0207 394 2525

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Lorem ipsum

Say dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras sodales gravida est. Nullam enim ipsum, convallis quis, iaculis quis, facilisis eu, felis. Proin euismod hendrerit tortor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi tempus diam sit amet neque. Sed sem metus, sagittis vel, lobortis ac, tempus sit amet, wisi. Phasellus in diam. Maecenas ultrices rutrum mauris. Vestibulum dolor justo, blandit a, posuere quis, varius at, tellus. Vestibulum convallis. Nulla ut leo sed elit eleifend varius. Aenean eget est id lorem posuere laoreet.

Curabitur ornare velit molestie nulla. Fusce fermentum facilisis mi. Maecenas volutpat, eros ac pellentesque mollis, urna elit rutrum turpis, congue convallis nibh erat nec purus. Sed malesuada consectetuer turpis. Nulla sollicitudin placerat augue. Vestibulum ut sem eget turpis laoreet cursus. Vestibulum ante urna, mollis eget, cursus eget, viverra non, lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean gravida tempor nulla. Sed sem lorem, pulvinar non, placerat non, vestibulum sed, tellus. Phasellus fermentum velit id dui. Praesent vulputate. Nam in dui.

Maecenas tristique, tortor nec eleifend luctus, nibh leo imperdiet wisi, et accumsan est lectus in orci. Proin facilisis, odio auctor feugiat accumsan, sapien purus iaculis dui, a volutpat augue pede ut sem. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam suscipit elementum ipsum. Morbi urna. Nam eros justo, varius sit amet, euismod eu, dictum nec, neque. Nullam id mi eu odio tempor adipiscing. Quisque hendrerit euismod nunc. Ut erat nulla, pellentesque nec, luctus eu, dictum nec, augue. Aliquam tincidunt sodales arcu. Nam porta sagittis quam. Vivamus eget purus egestas velit congue consectetuer.

Common Hard Drive Failures

  • Clicking sound
  • Grinding or scratching sound
  • Hard drive not spinning
  • Hard drive won't mount
  • Accidentally reformatting or deletion of files
  • Firmware failure
  • Power surges
  • Virus corruption
  • Dropped hard drive

We specialise in Hard Drive Recovery

CALL US TODAY ON 0207 394 2525

Very impressed. You guys recovered a complete drive for my customer, and it wasn’t anywhere near what I thought it would be. I’ll be sure to recommend you if I am asked. Data Doctors wanted money to bring the drive you for them. Lol. Thank you. You guys have my business if I should need you.

- Bob Butler

In the past 9 months we have had the pleasure to use technology and services of on two separate occasions. Each time our data was successfully recovered up to 95% complete. From the technical service support team to the customer service support team both experiences were top notch up to 95% complete.

- Daniel J

I would like to personally thank you for the service you provided my Planning & Technology staff with the recent crisis with our police incident reporting system. It’s my understanding that you took an emergency call on a Saturday afternoon, and worked throughout the weekend and the following week attempting.

- Colonel

white check markWe do what it takes
to get the job done.

white check mark90% of data can be recovered
by our team of trained technicians.

white check markWe can collect your device
for immediate action.

We’re Open!

9AM to 6PM Monday to Saturday

Creative IT (UK) Ltd
Tel: 0207 394 2525

80 Willow Walk, The Willows, Unit 1
London SE1 5SY

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